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Why Long Branch?

Why Long Branch?

Here at Long Branch, the only source of knowledge is experience, and knowledge gained through experience is far superior to the reverberation of information. Brandon Zielinski, President of Long Branch is a former Recon Scout Sniper in the Marine Corps who’s also shot professionally on the Marine Corps Shooting Team.
Throughout his career in the military and as a Special Response Team contractor and Designated Marksman for DOE, he’s earned the title of high shooter from every shooting course he’s attended and has won dozens of 1stplace finishes and miscellaneous accolades throughout a wide range of shooting disciplines.
Brandon has won every major national-level sniper competition in the country. His operational and competitive experience and success in each respectively, has resulted in a deep examination of what it truly means to be an effective sniper in the modern-day era. So why choose Long Branch? The answer is simple – results.
“I’m a firm believer in practicing what you preach. If I’m going to teach it, I’ll first make sure that I’ve done it. Anything less is misguiding and false preaching.” -Brandon